Monday, March 3, 2008

Day 1

1. What is the difference between a section view and a plan view?

section view is the side view, and the plan view is a view from a birds eye. The plan and section view are used in drawing diagrams.

2. What was your safety skit about?

In class we did a safety skit about tools and how to use them properly and not to do with them. Our safety skit was about nail guns, how they are really easy to hurt/kill someone, and not to mess around while your playing with them. In our skit we had someone working with the tool, and then they started to mess around and play rough. They then weren't concentrating so then they shot one of there friends accidentally. Towards the end I told the audience what not to do, and how it affects them, and what you do to prevent it.

3. What is the difference between a saw in Japan, and a saw in America?

In Japan, the saw blades are shaped to cut backwards, back to front. The saws in America have there blades that are specially designed and shaped to cut forward and back. (vise versa)

4. What does "measure twice, cut once" mean, and why is it important to follow that saying?

Measure twice, cut once means to be sure of what you are doing. If you measure once and cut, and you mess up you wasted an expensive amount of wood. If you measure twice and cut, you are given a second chance to be sure you measured right. It is important to follow the saying because you can be sure if you want to cut the wood the right way.

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